Text file
Type of format |
Data file,
Document file format,
| |
First released | Before 1989 | |
Developer | Unknown | |
Filename extension | .txt
| |
Open Format? | Yes | |
Free Format? | Yes | |
Magic Number | None | |
Text files (also known as Plain text) consist of characters encoded sequentially in a particular character encoding (commonly Unicode-8 and ASCII). Plain text files contain no formatting information other than white space characters.
In BD-J, text files are used as assets for Java programming, the files usually contain text character data, mathematical positions (X-Y coordinates) for graphics, and other data. Almost all BD-J applications often use .txt files.
The ASCII character set is the most common compatible character set for English-language text files, and is generally assumed to be the default file format in many situations.
! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . /
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? @
P Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _ `
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q
r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
It covers American English, but for the British pound sign, the euro sign, or characters used outside English, a richer character set must be used like Unicode UTF-8. Most BD-J titles use Unicode UTF-8, a modern and common character set which was designed for backward compatibility with ASCII.
In many systems, this is chosen based on the default locale setting on the computer it is read on. Prior to UTF-8, this was traditionally single-byte encodings (such as ISO-8859-1 through ISO-8859-16) for European languages and wide character encodings for Asian languages (BIG5, ShiftJS).
Links and References
- Text file (Wikipedia)
- Text file (Archive Team)
- textfiles.com: a site full of old text files
- Less: a Unix/Linux text file pager (for viewing files)
- Scenario for discussion: Text files.
- Always bet on text
Author(s) : Æ Firestone
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